Strong Communication: The Way to Success!

MeritTrac Services
3 min readJul 7, 2019


The Role of Communication Skills

Man is a social animal and communication is an integral part and parcel of the social life. But communication is not at all the simple act of exchange of words and/or thoughts. In fact, communication is quite a complex phenomenon that we hardly realize while using it in our daily lives.

But when it comes to workplace setting, communication skills can make or break your career. Accurate, effective and unambiguous communication is quite hard to achieve and therefore it is all the more desirable by employers. English being the most commonly used language in the world of business, candidates with strong English communication skills get more preference in the job market.

What is a Communication Skills Test and Why is it Important?

With communication skills being rated as one of the top four job skills, it becomes important to test the candidates’ level of proficiency in the skill, so they match the requirement as per the job role. A well-designed communication skills test can help recruiters pick the right candidates with the necessary level of proficiency in the language.

Cross-team collaborations, mail communication, report generation, meetings, presentations and other such tasks require a strong command both over the verbal as well as written language. Without these skills even highly qualified, knowledgeable and experienced candidates may face a roadblock. That is the reason, when all the other criteria including qualifications, experience and other requisite skills are the same the candidates with strong communication skills get selected.

Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four basic language skills. Different job roles demand a different permutations and combinations of proficiency levels in these skills. Depending upon the needs and requirements of the job role, the recruiters can employ the right kinds of communication assessment tests to zero in on the ideal candidate.

The management can even make use of suitable communication assessment tests to identify the skill gap in their employees which can help design a suitable training program to bridge the gap. Re-skilling employees can have an overall positive impact on the workforce development and contribute towards the growth and success of the company.

The Features of a Well-designed Communication Assessment Test

By employing the right kinds of tools, recruiters can easily assess candidates on the necessary skills and select the ones who fit the job role requirement. So, the kind, type and quality of the communication assessment test matters a lot. It should include questions and scenarios that require the candidates to use the requisite language skills that the recruiters deem essential for the job role.

Usually communication skills tests assess the three key language elements namely spoken English, listening comprehension and written English, which allow a comprehensive assessment of a candidate’s proficiency in the language.

Scientific design, comprehensive skill coverage, easy-to-administer, secure, platform adaptability, customizability and quick and detailed analysis of the test are some of the features of a good communication assessment test.



MeritTrac Services

MeritTrac is a leading online assessment platform offering online assessment software for hiring and workforce development.